at EOT 2023

Hamso Engineering ApS

M 9635

Hamsø Engineering is a start-up within HMI solutions with a special focus on haptic integration.

Hamsø Engineering is located in Sønderborg, and works closely together with SDU and our German business partner, Grewus GmbH.

Hamsø Engineering produces and sells products to the automotive, household appliance, gaming, industry and pharma industries. Our products consists of specialised measurement equipment systems for haptic feedback, along with development units and boards (EVK) for the driving of sensing, haptics, sound, and light. Earlier projects consists of End-Of-Line equipment used for testing of acoustic components together with various sensor solutions.

We offer our customers a strong business partner who can bring the different technologies (from different fields) together, making the end product stand out even more. This is both in form of software, hardware, prototyping as well as a production-ready solution.

Hamsø Engineering offers consultancy work within mechanics, electronics and software.

We are a young team that consists of several nationalities and engineering degrees, and our daily language is English.

Meet us at EOT 2023

Morten Rothmann

Managing Director

Co-Founder and Managing Director for Hamsø Engieering ApS M.Sc. Engineering, Innovation & Business


Morten Rothmann

Jakub Pilch

Full-Stack Software Developer

Software developer for Hamsø Engineering


Jakub Pilch

Richard Zember


Richard Zember

Mihai Cacicovschi


Mihai Cacicovschi

Jonas Wöstmann


Jonas Wöstmann

Products at Hamso Engineering ApS
